Thursday, December 12, 2013


During these short gray cold winter days many of us start to hibernate.  For people of our type this is not always a good thing.... Why go that meeting, its cold and I am tired?  I have a cold and don't feel like talking to this guy...  Its all about my attitude... I was talking to my sponsor yesterday and we were talking about the camaraderie in some of our meetings with it freezing outside and the coffee pot going and everyone joined in one place for one purpose...  Today, I go out amongst my people and share my hope and am always the better for it...

I was taught a new definition of attitude... It is "angle of approach"... How am I approaching my fellows, with a smile or with a sour frown? How am I approaching my Creator, with joy and thankfulness or with self interest and self pity.

This disease doesn't take a day off.  And I can't afford to, and besides it is no fun being wrapped up in my own brain anyway...

I am grateful today. So I need to go and show it.  Slap a smile on and go help God's kids for free and for fun...

1 comment:

  1. I am making your Blog a Favorite to my list of Favorites thank you for your share..simple truths are for many the Holidays are very sad..and now in this Season when some are so struggling your smile may represent for them the only Happiness they can hang onto and make it One More Day~Just a thought shared anyway much love Jerry you and Mindy Be Blessed~ LKY
