Monday, December 23, 2013


The drunk sipping out of his bottle behind the store, the homeless woman on the street corner, the hungry children in a run down apartment parking lot, the addict detoxing in the jail cell, the wife at home, worrying herself to death over her wandering mate, the businessman with all of the material things, dying on the inside because he cannot stop drinking, the inmate in the prison, anguishing over his children, his hopeless children feeling abandoned by their father, the crack head with the burning lips, the junkie with the tore up arms... 

What will I do to bring comfort to these at Christmas, and the rest of the year as well?  Am I so wrapped up in my things, my family, my little plans and designs that I have no time for them? After all God has given me, will I turn and give to another...

Alcoholics and addicts are dying needlessly around us by the thousands while we live our selfish and self-centered lives.  If each of us would only try to help one person, man or woman, parent or child, what a difference could be made...  In some small way, with some bit of kindness, God could change our own little piece of the world.

Helping one another in Love... This is what Christmas and every other day of the year is about...

If we give we will find... If we help we will be helped... If we love we will be loved...  We were created to be dependent on the Creator.  If we ask Him in our morning meditation He will show us what to do... If we ask Him how we can help, He will give us the opportunity to be of service...

This is how we grow, this is how we learn, this is how we demonstrate God's Power. 

Ladies and gentlemen, this is how we roll...

God bless you all,

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