Saturday, June 19, 2010

2 Sided Coin

Ego is a 2 sided coin. I always thought of ego as pride and arrogance. It is, yet it also has another side, self pity and remorse. Someone told me that and I barely listened. Yet it has been coming up a lot in my quiet times. Both sides of the coin represent spending way to much time thinking and not nearly enough time taking action. My real obsession has always been with me. I think, I want , I feel... This is because of my over inflated ego. Selfishness and self centeredness are the root of my problem. EGO... How to fight it? I don't, I let God do that. I just stay connected and take action. My God is a real smart feller. He doesn't give me the time at this point in life to sit around and think. Well gotta run, going to take some action today, lots of it... Not because I have to either, because it is a design for living that really works and besides that I enjoy it most of the time. And after all it is all about me. Right???

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