Sunday, July 18, 2010

Another day...

Self pity is just another form of ego. My ego disorder manifests itself in so many different forms. It is always there, lurking. Thank God for the actions, the spiritual tools of this program. Without them I would surely not survive the certain trials and low spots that we all have. Yet mine are so much worse than anyone else's. Because I am "special" you know. At least that is what my brain tells me. And yet another day has passed and I am relatively sane, reasonably happy, and completely sober.

The reason is because I prayed when I didn't feel like it. I talked to another alcoholic when I didn't want to and I went to a couple of meetings even though I would have rather been anyplace else. Not because I am great, but because God gave me just enough humility and teachability to do what I was supposed to do today. Thanks God!

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