Thursday, July 22, 2010


My Higher Power is absolutely consistent today. He always keeps his word. He does what He promises. He never gives up on me. He always tells the truth. He always takes time.

What excellent qualities to have! Perhaps spiritual progress is allowing Him to mold me in a like fashion. Perhaps letting go absolutely to His Power, free falling with God as a dear friend puts it, not only brings bits of peace and harmony today, but also progress.

I cannot focus on my disease, it pulls me inward like gravity. The more I fight it the harder it pulls. I must let go and let God. I must cease fighting anything or anyone. I must allow Him to keep my focus turned outward toward others. That Divine spark is more powerful than the disease. And when I heed it, then it pulls me ever closer to God as I understand Him.

I must surrender to that Divine spark. It manifests itself in my life as the next right action. That is progress for me, leaping out there to take the action, whether I want to, whether I believe it will work, or whether I feel like it. Take the action and leave the rest up to one more powerful than myself. That one is God.

Gratefully I found Him right where He lives... NOW!

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