Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I heard a speaker say that the reason it says "That one is God may, you find Him now" in the big book, is because now is where God lives. I hadn't really thought about that before and as I meditated on that, it became clear to me, "now", this moment in time is what matters. My disease lives in the past (resentments) and in the future (fears). My sponsor says the enemy of the next right thing is usually fear. I know that is true in my life. Fear of not getting what I want, or losing something I have, or life not going along with my "little plans an designs". You know what else lives in the future? Outcomes and expectations. Resentments waiting to happen. All the tools that my disease has to work with seem to exist in the past or the future.

This means I must stay in the present. My real God given purpose is to "fit myself to be of maximum service to God and the people about me". That has to be done in the present. So does action, every tool I have been given can pnly be used now. Doesn't matter what I did yesterday, doesn't matter what I plan to do tomorrow. The only thing that matters in my life is what I do now.

Now I ain't no rocket scientist, but if the present is where my Higher Power is and the past and future are where my disease is, then I probably would be much better off hanging out in the present...

Life Rocks... Right now...

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