Thursday, July 1, 2010

The next right thing

The next right thing is not that hard to determine in my life today. My experience is that when I am taking the actions I am supposed to take, trusting God, cleaning house, and helping others, the next right thing just pops up and is usually not that big of a deal to do. When I struggle with it, is when I don't want to do it. 90% of the time when I am saying I don't know what to do on any given thing, it is because deep down I know exactly what to do and don't want to.

My brain, my disease, doesn't want to. So I claim to not be sure, to be "praying" about it. It is like my Dad used to say years ago, I spend more energy and time tring to get out of something rather than just doing it. I really believe Nike has it right..."Just do it".

Another thing that gets me into trouble is trying to predict what the next right thing to do will be 10 minutes from now. My sponsor says all I need to know is where to take the next stitch, I don't get to figure out the pattern. One small step at a time will lead me to where God wants me to be, I don't have to help plan the journey. My Higher Power has all of this under His control. It is a good thing cause my "little plans and designs" are not what I need. They are usually what my disease needs.

Can I still plan, absolutely as long as I realize that my plans may or may not work out the way I want them too. But they will always work out the way He wants them too.

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