Sunday, October 3, 2010

Old Ideas

Letting go absolutely of my old ideas, seems to be a process not a one time decision. As I grow spiritually, I find more and more of my old ideas must fall to the way side. If I try to hang on to them, it is usually painful. I don't like pain, that is why I came to AA in the first place. I absolutely could not stand the pain of my life any longer. It was so bad, that I was willing to do ANYTHING to get away from it.

The good news is that I am learning to let go of old ideas before the pain becomes to great. As I continue to hit different bottoms, I am becoming more willing to let go quickly. This is spiritual growth for me today. Surrendering my old ideas for a design for living that really works! Realizing that the Power I always needed and desired for living doesn't come from me at all. Yet it is constantly available to me.

I always thought, that the more power and control I had, the happier I could be. Who would have ever thought that surrendering my non-existent power and control could lead to happiness and freedom.

A good friend of mine always asks "How free do you want to be?" Today I know the answer to that question, and more importantly, I know how to achieve it. If I want to be free of something all I have to do is let go... Absolutely!!!

Oh, and the design for living that really works? Dr. Bob knew... Trust God, clean house, and help others... One stitch at a time...

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