Wednesday, October 6, 2010


The more I always tried to control people, the more they rebelled. Even if I thought I was doing the right thing for them and to them, they still rebelled. Here is the basic issue, I never knew what I needed, how could I have possibly known what they needed. The other issue is that if I had known exactly what they needed, I couldn't have given it to them anyway.

Today I am beginning to realize my God given role in life. I was created to be dependent on the Creator. My job is simply to do the next right thing at any given moment, without any expectations. This is true freedom. The outcomes are not my responsibility, that is God's business. How do I get the Power to do this? By taking the actions required to maintain my spiritual condition. (Page 84-88 Big Book) My business is simply to take the actions I am supposed to take and leave the rest to Him.

I just have to be as fair and helpful as I can be to everyone I come in contact with, and leave the results to God. This include sponsees, family, friends, customers, employees, pretty much everyone. I am not saying I do this all the time, but when I can, then I have real peace.

Now about that spiritual condition thing, I have to take those actions, not so God will love me. I believe He already does no matter what. The Big Book says all this crap in our mind had us blocked from the Sunlight of the Spirit. The Great Big Book says we were alienated in our MINDS from God. I do the maintenance of my spiritual condition to change my perception, not to change God's.

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