Wednesday, February 27, 2013

My First Sponsor...

It is hard to believe he has been gone 3 years... He always told me the truth... These are just a few of his thoughts...

Thank you Jerry Hammond...

It doesn’t matter what you believe when you get here it matters what you do.

Quit playing God

You don’t have to understand God, just knowing it ain’t you will be fine for now.

Think Think Think is not for me

Help others

Hitting people in the mouth is not really how we do things in AA

How do you know what they need, you don’t even know what you need

Its not all about me

The solution isn’t for people who need it or want it; it’s for people that do the work.

Maybe we’ll give old so and so a good letting alone

Quit playing the big shot

You don’t know anything, if you think you know something then you are in real trouble.

Once you come into AA you never have to be alone again unless you talk too long in a meeting

Maybe you should just be a member of AA

Go light the heaters and make coffee

Terminal uniqueness will kill your ass

Newcomers need first aid let’s get them through the steps so they can get a little relief

You are not the spiritual leader of the western hemisphere!!!

Sitting down in an AA meeting equals about 2 fingers of vodka Aaaahhhh!!

Try reading only the black parts of the book

It doesn’t say that

About 98% of us die from this shit

Always make new friends in AA

Suit up, show up, and maybe even shutup

Always keep your word.  Do what you say you will do always

The guys in an AA meeting that aren’t alcoholics are killing the newcomers

Always shake hands with the new guy

Resentments are being pissed off cause you didn’t get what you wanted;  fears are being afraid you won’t get what you want

This is a program about getting pissed off and getting over it.

It’s about forgiving and being forgiven

Always pray before a meeting; Keep my ass sitting in this chair no matter what

A man who sponsors himself has an idiot for a sponsor

You are not special

Try to see how you are like other alcoholics not different from them

Let me think was I with hostage number 1 or hostage number 2 when that happened

If I spend 50% of my time staying out of your business and half my time minding my own I have a pretty good day.

Invite God into your day…  God I invite you into my day.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

True Power

I became willing to believe in something bigger than me because alcohol just beat me into submission.  I surrendered to the fact I had run my entire life into the toilette.

I took some action that I didn't want to take and the results have been amazing.

God has awakened my spirit enough to allow me to have these spiritual experiences.  God makes that possible.  Apart from Him I am nothing.  Apart from Him I am a hopeless alcoholic, who can't stop drinking.  Apart from Him I am selfish and self-centered to the core.  Apart from Him I never make the right decision.  Apart from Him I am lost.

I used to think I was big shot.  I used to think I was special.  That if everyone would just do as I thought things would be great.  Today I realize that I couldn't even run my own life much less someone elses.

I have always been blessed and was just too arrogant and prideful to acknowledge it.  Everything I have, all my talents, all my "stuff" doesn't belong to me at all.  It belongs to God.  And that is okay today.

I can still fall into the trap of thinking I know best, that I can figure it all out.  But by staying connected to this Power which I don't understand, I soon realize that I really know nothing other than what He gives me.  As I grow in understanding and effectiveness, through closer contact with God,  there is a sixth sense being developed within me. A big part of that sense is knowing that I need to stay connected more and more just to do the things I have been given to do.

I love the line in the book that says "The central fact of our lives today is the absolute certainty that our Creator has entered into our hearts and lives in a way which is indeed miraculous."

If you think this program is about just not drinking one stupid day at a time.  I am truly sorry for you.  This is not about not drinking, this is about living in a new and wonderful world no matter what your present circumstances.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I got to spend some time at a place that is very dear to my heart this week.  The place where my journey in this way of life started.  I went there in a new capacity this time, as a family member.  I went feeling like I knew what was best, in other words my ego was hanging out just a bit.

But as I began to submit myself to the process and to open my ears and my mind, I was shown several things that I didn't know.  God was able to remind me one more time of where the Power of this deal really lies. God was was able to open my heart and pour some good stuff in.

I left there with a new sense of understanding for the people that don't have this disease personally, yet are affected by it everyday.  I left there humbled and thankful.

Those of you who know me are aware that I sometimes suffer from the delusion that I am the "spiritual leader of the western hemisphere" (at least that's what my first sponsor used to say)  :)
If you see me acting that way please hold me accountable...

Bottom line is this:  When I humbled myself to the process, took the action, did the work even though I didn't want to, God showed up, stepped in and put me in a position to help a few more people and shower me with blessings just like He always does.

Much thanks to my wife and my old case manager for showing me the truth, as they have always been able to do...

Friday, February 8, 2013


I have heard in quite a few meetings that there are no guarantees in AA. That is quite true for the fellowship.  But that is not true for the spiritual program of action that is AA.  What is a guarantee? It is simply a promise and the book is full of them, both good and bad.

If I do the actions that are laid out in the book (the first 9 steps) precisely as directed then I am guaranteed a spiritual experience and the obsession to drink will be removed from me by God.  If I continue to take the actions of steps 10, 11, and 12 everyday then I am guaranteed a daily reprieve from that obsession. Period...

If I am telling the newcomer that this works for some and doesn't work for others then, I am sending the wrong message.  The Power of God is not given to some people by chance and withheld from others.  The program of AA is 100% effective if done as directed.  Everytime, regardless of age, sex, race, sexual orientation, or any of the other myriad ways we seperate ourselves from others.

It does not matter if I came by way of a court slip, angry family, treatment center.  It does not matter how I got here.  Rich or poor. This disease strikes across all lines, and my God gives access to His power to everyone as well.

My daily reprieve does not depend on whether I have been sober 30 days or 30 years.  It does not depend on my memories of past debacles or my fear of future failings.  It depends on the maintenance of my spritual condition and nothing else.

This is the greatest guarantee of all, no matter who you are or what you have done, if you are an alcoholic and you do this work, you will recover from this disease. This is the clear message of Hope, this is all we have to offer.