Monday, May 24, 2010


As each day passes, my realization is made stronger of the fact that I was created to be a dependent being. Not dependent on drugs or alcohol, or people, or material things... I tried all of that for years. I was created to be dependent on the Creator, in everything... Yet I still get wrapped up in life, in what I am doing, and think I can depend on myself or external things. But, I am becoming more and more aware of my weakness. My weakness is not a bad thing as long as I stay connected to God. In my weakness, His Power is shown to be perfect, patient, kind, and never failing.

May I always come back to center, may I always remember my constant need for God. Only He can fill the hole inside and only He can heal the spiritual malady that exists within me... May I constantly depend on this inner most Resource, the Spark of life, the little portion of God that resides within us all... May I always depend on the Eternal, not the external...

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