Tuesday, May 18, 2010


The Truth for me is in the Big Book of AA. The first 164 pages. That book and the Program contained within, along with a sponsor, taught me how to connect to GOD!!! He got me sober and He keeps me sober. He also set me free from so many other things, and is working on the others in His good time. I am powerless and hopeless without God. I don't know how to get sober or stay sober. I don't know how to live one moment in sanity or clarity. I don't know how to love or be loved. I don't know the reason for life. I don't know the reason for pain, death, or anything else. But I do know God, and He knows how to do all of those things for me. The only reason I know God on an intimate, personal level, is because of the Program of AA. So don't ask me to dilute it, don't ask me to be quiet, don't ask me to deny any portion of it. Don't ask me to accept middle of the road BS. For to do so means death for me. Spiritual and physical...

Middle of the road, watered down, take your time doing the steps, don't work with newcomers for the first year, AA kills real alcoholics and addicts. But far worse than that, it takes away their last hope.

If that is what you stand for, then you don't stand for anything, and if you must come to our AA meeting then please SHUTUP. Our AA meetings don't have room for opinion, we don't have time. People are dying! We live in the solution, not anyones screwed up opinion. Not even mine. Hey, let's try this, if it isn't in the book then let's don't say it in a meeting. If you must give an opinion then get your own blog and spew garbage all over it. That is what I do...

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