Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Fitting In

My God given purpose in life is to fit myself to be of maximum service to God and the people about me. Physically fit, mentally fit, and most importantly spiritually fit. If I straighten out spiritually, the physical and mental will follow. To be spiritually fit my ego must fit. Therein lies the main problem, because my I have a disorder of the ego. My diseased brain tells me I am the center of the universe and, should I allow it, the stars will revolve around me. My sponsor has informed me this is not the case. (had a little resentment over that).

It turns out I am really powerless. It turns out that lack of power is my dilemma. What I really need is to find a Power by which I can live. I wonder where and how I could find this Power. Guess what? There is a book that is written exactly for that purpose! Its main purpose is to enable me to find a Power greater than myself to solve my problem! And get this, it was written in 1939 and it still works. The title; Alcoholics Anonymous, kind of quaint.

Now surely I could just peruse this book. Skim it, get the highlites. Then I could just use the parts of it I liked and skip the rest. After all I am special, a man with my superior intelligence afterall... I tried that for quite some time, it didn't seem to work, damn book.

Then alcohol took me to a jumping off place, and the place was not pretty. I was faced with two alternatives, one was to go on to the bitter end, blotting out the consciousness of my intolerable situation, the other to accept spiritual help. Accepting help would be admitting I was not the center of the universe. The minute I took that small step, something happened, I fell down hard. But my sponsor was there to catch me. Alot of people were there to catch me.

Now I realize it was God that caught me, he just used those danged alcoholics to do it. They took me through the steps, the difference was this time I wasn't kicking and screaming. I worked at it with the desparation of a drowning man. And I found God (turns out He was not ever lost).

Life is no longer the same, I know my place, it is whatever and wherever God says it is. Now I am there to catch some people, and everytime I am reaching out to a newcomer, I am not falling. I think it is because God has me.

Trust God, clean house, help others... Join us on the firing line of life. We need you!

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