Monday, May 31, 2010


It has become easier for me to surrender, than it used to be. Now I don't have to exhaust all my options, every time before giving it to God. I think growing for me, is seeing God increase my ability to give it over quicker. True humility and true peace go hand in hand. If I ever reach the point of being able to surrender immediately when external things happen, or even better whether things are happening or not, life will work out much better. But hey, progress not perfection.

To be able to live in a state of true surrender, means to have true peace and serenity, then I will be always fit to be of maximum service to God and the people about me. I cannot acheive this by human effort, God has to do it. Today I will use my will to try to stay out of His way and let Him continue the good work He has started within me...

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