Sunday, May 16, 2010

Spiritual Giants

I was at a conference this weekend with what I considered, when I got there, to be some "spiritual giants". In the old days that would have left me feeling apart, less than, not good enough. I would have had to try to prove that I was just as good as, or better than. My HP has shown me that these people are not competitors in some race to be run. Rather brothers in a way of life that has saved us all. I talked to them and LISTENED to them, and came away amazed at the Power of God. I learned from God through them all, partially by listening, partially by observing that, we are all alike in one aspect; the Power does not belong to any of us, it is only ours to use. We are all the same, the better job we do of getting out of the way, the more that Power is revealed. I learned this; God allows me to see Himself in everyone I meet. The guys I considered to be "spiritual giants" are simply guys that have learned to get out of God's way.

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