Thursday, December 17, 2009

Gratitude list

Gratitude is an action. So my sponsor has said. So if I am making a gratitude list perhaps it should be 2 columns. (Don't all of you AA's just love columns)

Grateful For: Spiritual Connection Action: Show someone else how I got it.

My wife---Do something nice for her (one specific thing today)

My group--- Do some service work (one specific thing today)

Lifestyle--- Help someone else (one specific thing today)

It is easy to talk about gratitude, takes a little effort on my part to truly have it.

During this season it easy for me to get caught up in material things, I don't tend to think about suffering people nearly as much as I think about my own "little plans and designs". Maybe today, I should get off my butt and take some action. What a novel idea...

Oh yeah, spiritual program of Action... I think I heard that somewhere...

Grace and Peace...

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