Sunday, December 20, 2009

Grease that sucker!

The following is paraphrased from "Faith that pleases God" by Bob George.

" I was working with a young man one day that said he was disappointed with the world, the people in it, and most off all himself. He felt as if he were at the end of his rope. Bob replied "Grease that sucker" because at the end of your rope is where you will find God.

The world is full of aids to "improve" ourselves; pills, changes of scenery, blaming other people. All these "helps" do is glue us to the rope and keep us dangling in self sufficiency. They keep us from putting our total dependence on God. God's Will is for us to let go and fall into His loving arms. "

This is so true in my life. I always seem to keep reaching for the rope. I need to let go absolutely everyday...

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