Monday, December 21, 2009

Some truths about me

I hear people in AA say a lot that they don't know anything. Here are a few things I do know about me;

Sobriety and God must be number one in my life, anything I put ahead of these I will lose.

No matter how long I am sober, this disease is still cunning, baffling, and powerful, it is doing pushups within me somewhere always getting stronger.

If I fail to expand and enlarge my spiritual condition I will fall victim to complacency and that will kill me.

I improve my spiritual condition by working with other alcoholics.

No matter what my circumstance, if I want to be of maximum service to God and the people around me, He will show me a way, modem to modem or face to face I can speak the language of the heart.

The only way I can work with others, is if I have had a spiritual awakening as the result of working the 12 steps and the obsession to drink and use has been removed.

I must do the action things always. Pray, meditate, talk to other alcoholics, take a daily inventory of my resentments and fears, and practice the principles of the 12 steps in all of my affairs.

I must carry a vision of God's Will into all of my activities, humbly saying several times each day, Thy Will not mine be done.

If I do these things I will continue to have a new relationship with my Creator; I will have all of the elements of a way of living which will answer all of my problems.

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