Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Stand and Deliver

Stand and deliver is a big change for me. I used to run and hide in my addictions. When I first got "stand and deliver" in my guidance I was convinced it meant I was supposed to be some great AA speaker. I am coming to realize it means stand where I am and deliver this message to whoever is in front of me. Whats the best way for me to deliver this message? By my actions of course. What I say makes no more difference at this point than what I believe. What makes a difference to the people around me is what I do. Attraction rather than promotion. It is easy for someone like me to say all the good stuff. But how do I do living it? Our behavior will convince them more than our words. (AA Big Book Pg. 83) Today, I will use will power to work on the 12 Steps- to carry a vision of God’s Will into all my activities, this is the proper use of the will. (AA Big Book Pg 85) This will keep me connected, this will make me fit to be of maximum service to God and the people around me, then God will handle the rest.

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