Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The "Do" Things

When my mind is working overtime, when I am letting my own mental garbage distract me from my God given purpose, when I am trying to "run the show" and don't even realize it. The "Do" things bring me some relief, some comfort. They seem to remind me that I am anchored to the Rock. Where nothing can harm me. Especially my own twisted mind. There is a comfort there. For deep within me lies a still small Voice. God, may I never block myself from that Voice, may I always remember that left to my own devices there is nothing but calamity and chaos. May I always trust in the knowledge that You are my Anchor and that by taking the actions; prayer, meditation, talking to my sponsor, working with others, doing the "Do" things, I can always return to that calm place, from which your Power truly nurtures my heart and manifests itself in my life... For that I am very grateful...

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