Monday, October 19, 2009


For myself as an alcoholic and an addict surrender is not a one time proposition. It is an ongoing life time process. We have entered the world of the Spirit. Our next function is to grow in understanding and effectiveness. This is not an overnight matter. It should continue for our lifetime. (AA Big Book Pg. 84).

To grow in understanding and effectiveness my mind and spirit must be renewed through prayer, meditation, service, brotherly love… This is impossible without surrender. Strength to deal with life and everything it entails must come from a Power greater than myself. To stay connected to that Power, I must stay in a state of submission to it.

First of all we had to quit playing God. It didn’t work (AA Big Book Pg. 62) It goes on to define our relationship to God. Never am I in charge or in control of anything. Never! What a relief! I wreck everything I touch.

Surrender means all areas of my life. I am in the process of selling my house. There are some things that are wrong with it. I have to disclose them all. I have to tell the truth. I have to surrender my fears about it and do it. I have to spend the money to fix what I know is wrong. I could probably slide by, but is that the right thing to do?. Will it cause worry and guilt on my part? Will I be willing to look these people in the eye later? If I surrender it all to God and take the actions that I am supposed to take it will all work out like it is supposed to. At least that is my experience. I don't know what will happen. I only know that if I surrender the outcome to God and take the right actions I will do more than stay sober, I will have peace about it.

Surrender to the Creator is not something I have to force myself to do today. It is the answer to all my problems. God is large and in charge.

Following is a passage from THE SECRET OF GUIDANCE By F. B. MEYER


"My judgment is just; because I seek not Mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent Me. " (John v: 30.) This was the secret which Jesus not only practised, but taught. In one form or another He was constantly insisting on a surrendered will, as the key to perfect knowledge. "If any man wiII do His will, he shall know."
There is all the difference between a will which is extinguished and one which is surrendered. God does not demand that our wills should be crushed out, like the sinews of a fakir's unused arms. He only asks that they should say "Yes" to Him. Pliant to Him as the willow twig to the practiced hand.
Many a time, as the steamer has neared the quay, have I watched the little lad take his place beneath the poop, with eye and ear fixed on the captain, and waiting to shout each word he utters to the grimy engineers below; and often have I longed that my will should repeat as accurately and as promptly the words and will of God, that all the lower nature might obey.
It is for the lack of this subordination that we so often miss the guidance we seek. There is a secret controversy between our will and God's. And we shall never be right till we have let Him take, and break, and make. Oh! do seek for that. If you cannot give, let Him take. If you are not willing, confess that you are willing to be made willing. Hand yourself over to Him to work in you, to will and to do of His own good pleasure. We must be as plastic clay, ready to take any shape that the great Potter may choose, so shall we be able to detect His guidance.

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