Sunday, October 18, 2009


How to find peace? The age old question...

By conforming my will to God's Will. That is my experience.

How to know God's Will? By knowing my real purpose. By testing the things I do, say, feel, or think against my real purpose. Will they move me toward or away from that God given purpose?

But, I can't even do that test without 2 things. Knowing that purpose and listening to God. To do those things I must have a connection to God. For me that had to come through a spiritual awakening. That had to come through the 12 steps.

God's purpose for all of us is the same. Not only do we share a common problem and a common solution, but we also share a common purpose.

To fit ourselves to be of maximum service to God and the people about us. (AA Big Book Pg. 77)

Listening to God has to occur continually throughout my day. Thy Will not mine be done. We may not be able to determine which course to take. We ask God for inspiration, an intuitive thought or a decision. We relax and take it easy. We are often surprised how the right answers come after we have tried this for awhile. (AA Big Book Pg. 86)

This is what works for me, this is my experience, the days I do these things are good days.

I am truly grateful for my sponsor, the program, my family, and mostly my God... After all He did create the universe...

1 comment:

  1. Great comments, A life lived without service to others is a life not lived. Not my words but good ones.
