Friday, October 23, 2009

Trusting in God

What is being made aware to me is that trusting God can occur on so many levels. It is not just the big things in life that I can't figure out. More importantly, it is the small trivial things that I think I have completely in control. The actuality is, that I don't have control over anything, and I don't need to. The more I let go the better things are.

Meditation for example. Everyday I learn that meditation is not something I do. It is something that happens to me. All I have to do is take the time to be quiet and God handles it from there. What do I need out of it? Exactly what I get. What is that? I don't know. I just know it is good. My mind is renewed and my heart is at peace.

How do I go about trusting God? By giving up. By letting go. By admitting that I don't know anything. Head knowledge does me absolutely no good. In fact for me it is a dangerous thing. When I start thinking I know, I am in trouble. Much better to trust infinite God rather than my finite self. (AA Big Book Pg. 68)

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